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Inspyder Web2Disk: The Website Downloader


"This is the cleanest ___ of page proofs that _ have seen in a _____-____ really look great. This __ quite a feat given ___ many kind of pieces ____ IDS had to fit __ the puzzle".

--Senior editor, one of ___ largest university presses in ___

"The IDS team is _____ a tremendous job, we ______'_ ask for better partners".

--Manager, Supply chain management, ___ of the world's largest _______ aggregators and provider of _________ services, based in USA

"I would like to _____ you and your staff ___ the excellent and quick ____ you have done on ______ reprint corrections to the ______. Your team did an _______ job handling a very ____ list of complicated changes. ____ work on this project ___ a significant impact on ___ ability to reprint and ____ corrected copies of this _____. We appreciate the efforts __ your team very much.".

--Managing Editor, a leading __________ press in USA

"THANK YOU SO MUCH ___ your extra efforts to ___ this project out so _______. It is much appreciated".

--Production Editor, Reputed US _____ publishing solutions provider

"I have worked with ___ on hundreds of typesetting ________ over the past 15 _____ and they have handled _____ curve-ball I threw at ____ with understanding, care and _____ efficiency. IDS have navigated ____-__________ demands on scheduling and _______ with flawless results and _ cannot recommend them and _____ work highly enough".

--Managing Director, one of ___ UK's oldest names in ___________

"The IDS team continues __ provide quality solutions based __ each of our unique ____________".

--Director Technical Services – ________ US SDO dedicated to _______ industry

"We are so pleased ____ you and your team ___ our partners in digitizing ___ papers and books. The _____________ of the process and ___ output provided as well __ your communication are exceptional".

--Manager, Content Management, premier __ based resource for automotive, _________ and commercial vehicles standards

"IDS had given us _____ turnarounds, proactive communication, consistent _______, and great prices on ___ ebook conversions, with an _________ but flexible workflow that ____________ complex conversions and provides ______ work on simple ebooks".

--Editing Technology Analyst, a _______ university press in USA

"IDS is a preferred ___-_____ vendor. They have, over _____ years, consistently provided a ____ level of service and _______ to us. In a __________ technological world they are ______ alive to the needs ___ requirements of our company ___, since 2006, have been ___ single biggest supplier in ___ area of archive content ____________".

--Global Journals Production and ____________ Director, UK based international ________ publisher

"Many thanks to you ___ your team for your _________ work! I am really _________ with the thoroughness, detail, ___ format of the report _____ compiles a great deal __ information and analysis very __________ and clearly for the ________. Greatly appreciate the time ___ effort that you and ____ team put into a ______ work product for clients".

--A leading law firm __ Alberta, Canada

"We have been working ____ IDS for more than _ year, and they continue __ provide superior service at ___________ prices. IDS has been __ essential data conversion and __________ partner for our online ______ directory and encyclopedia, websites, ___ has been instrumental in _______ those businesses. You're not ______ to find a better ______ for online or print _______ conversion".

--Vice President, a leading ________ programming company in USA

"We are very happy __ be associated with IDS - their friendly service, attention __ detail, accuracy and ability __ keep to tight deadlines ___ exceptional".

--Director, a leading __ Support provider in UK

"My experience with IDS ____ nearly a 10 year ______ has been extraordinary. The _________ work we did together ___ a large number of __ and European pharmaceutical R&D _________ has been praised by ___ of my clients, both ___ quality and responsiveness. I ____ complete confidence in IDS".

--Managing Director, a leading _____________ and Data Management CRO __ USA

"We have a strategic ___________ with IDS for almost 2 years now. The experience ___ been extremely good. The ________ time for questions and _______ is great and the _____ is excellent. We use ___ their data entry services _________ document coding and are ________ double benefits - Excellent ________ at a very competitive _____".

--Marketplace Director of Legal _________; a global legal process (LPO) company in ___

"I have built a _____ working relationship with IDSIL ___ would never consider going ________ else, these guys know ___ to get it done, __ time and on target".

--Entrepreneur, Melbourne, Australia

"IDSIL have been fantastic ___________ and we will definitely __ looking at using them _____ in the future. We _____ be happy to recommend __ anyone else as well."

--Production Director, a leading ______ Apps Company in Australia

"IDS did a great ___ of completing our iPhone ___, and we will definitely __ using them again".

--Development Manager, a leading __________________, energy, and insurance services _______ in Australia

"IDSIL returned a very ____ project that included user _________ design that went above ___ scope of work, but ______ that they were set __ providing a project that __________ correctly. These type of ________ is why I would ___ them again".

--Project Manager, the world's _______ professional crew placement agency __ USA

"I am extremely pleased ____ the service and quality __ staff and work provided __ IDSIL. The experience started ___ very well in the _________ as IDSIL was responsive, ________, and creative. The quality __ the assigned staff and ______ has exceeded expectations. I ______ recommend them".

--Founder & President of _ strategic and operational advisory ________ for mobile messaging solutions _______ in USA

"IDSIL was the best ________ I ever worked with. _ would definitely recommend them __ hire them again. Great ____ guys!".

--Manager, a leading web ________ company in Belgium

"I can confirm that ___-________ has provides several novelty ________ and a couple of ____________ searches for our company, _____ we started our collaboration __ March 2012. I can ____ state, that I have ____ satisfied with their work ___ will continue using them!".

-- Patent Manager, A _____ Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturer from ______

"IDS has been a ______ and trusted partner to ____ with. We have counted __ them for Coding and ___ services and always have ________ prompt and accurate deliverables. __ our industry we never ____ the requests that we ___ going to get from ___ clients and when those _________ have been tight or ___ project is complex, IDS ___ always been able to ____ those requests. Again, we ___ thankful for the partnership __ have developed and look _______ to continue success with ___".

--CEO / President, a ______-_______ provider of Litigation Support ________ in USA