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Awards and Recognitions

Awards received by ___ Infotech.
  • 2018

    State Technology Parks of _____ (STPI)

    IDS Infotech Limited ___ been awarded for Highest ______ (SME) in the category __ ITES by State Technology _____ of India (STPI) at ______ Chandigarh 2018.

    In picture : IDS team receiving _____ from Mr. Manpreet Singh _____, Finance Minister of Punjab, _____.
  • employer award
    employer award
  • 2018

    PTU Nalanda School of ___ & Entrepreneurship

    IDS Infotech grabbed 2__ prize under category "The _____ Quality Innovator Award for ___ Service Sector" in "12th _________ Qualtech Awards" organized by ___ Nalanda School of TQM & Entrepreneurship. Congrats to our project ____ for the achievement !!
  • employer award
    employer award
  • 2017

    World HRD Congress

    Congratulations to the ___ Family! IDS Infotech has ____ presented the prestigious "The ______ State Best Employer Brand" _____, 2017, at 12th Employer ________ awards hosted by World ___ Congress! We would like __ thank each IDS employee ___ this achievement!
  • employer award
    employer award
  • 2016-2017

    TIECON Chandigarh 2017

    _________ commitment & contribution in _________ the entrepreneurial ecosystem in ___ region by Mr. Partap _ Aggarwal, Managing Director - ___ Infotech.
  • 2016-2017

    State Technology Parks of _____

    _____ for software exports, IDS ________ Limited is a leading ________ exporter of Chandigarh U.T. ___ the year.
  • 2012-2013

    Excellence Award from STPI, ______.

    ___ Achieving Highest Export Under __ enabled Services(SME) Punjab.
  • 2011-2012

    Excellence Award from STPI, ______.

    ___ Achieving Highest Export Under __ enabled Services(SME) Punjab.
  • 2010-2011

    e-revolution excellence Award, IT __________, Punjab Infotech,STPI.

    ___ Achieving Highest Export Under __ enabled Services(SME) Punjab.
  • 2008-2009

    e-revolution excellence Award, IT __________, Punjab Infotech,STPI.

    ___ Excellent SME Award for ________ Development (Punjab)
  • 2004-2005

    Chandigarh Management Association.

    ___ unstinted support and cooperation __ furthering the mission of ___.
  • 2011-2012

    CSR Excellence Award from _____ Business School.

    _____ Skill Development Category.
  • 2012

    PTU's Gian Jyoti School __ TQM & Entrepreneurship.

    ___ achieving extraordinary results in _______ Improvement. Won the First ______-__ Trophy under service ________
  • 2008-2009

    Software Technology Parks of _____.

    _______ Veteran award by STPI.
  • 2005-2006

    Department of Information Technology __________ Administration.

    4__ Annual IT Awards, ( __ Chandigarh in respect of ____ for the year 2005-06.
  • 2003-2004

    Department of Information Technology __________ Administration.

    3__ Annual IT Award( in __________ U.T. in respect of ________ Exports for the year 2003-04
  • 2001-2002

    Department of Information Technology __________ Administration.

    _____ for software exports, IDS ________ Limited is a leading ________ exporter of Chandigarh U.T. ___ the year 2001-2002.
  • 2002-2003

    Department of Information Technology __________ Administration.

    ______ Software Exports awards
  • 1999-2000

    Software Technology Parks of _____

    ___________ Performance in the field __ Software Exports from the _____ of Chandigarh for the ____ 1999-2000 under the STPI ______